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Fabulous Review for WEEKEND EXPERIENCE

The books in Simone Freier's EXPERIENCES series have received excellent reviews. The latest in the series, WEEKEND EXPERIENCE, has nine 5-star reviews and one 4-star review (updated as of 27 October). One of these reviews, by Marc Stern (on Amazon Kindle), is especially complementary. His review is reproduced below:

"Experiences: Weekend" Takes Erotic Writing to a Higher Level

October 21, 2014

By Marc Stern "Marc J. Stern" (Sudbury, MA)

Verified Purchase

This review is from: Weekend Experience: Exploration of Fetishes by an Unlikely Couple, and the Blossoming of Love (Experiences Book 3) (Kindle Edition)

Now that I have read two of her novels, I have to say that Simone Freier is a top-notch author. The clarity of her writing and her ability to set a believable scene filled with characters with whom you can empathize set her apart from other writers. Freier is arguably one of the best talents I have found in the recent past.

Freier uses a unique hook to grab her readers and pull them into her work. That hook is an explicit exploration of the world of fetishism and fantasy. Freier writes some incredibly powerful scenes involving spanking and the use of sex toys that are not pornographic. Instead, she uses them like a canvas upon which she pens the basic love story that underpins “Weekend Experience: Exploration of Fetishes by an Unlikely Couple, and the Blossoming of Love (Experiences Book 3).”

In the earlier volume of this series, you meet Kelly and Sam, a very unlikely couple. She is a beautiful twenty-something grad student and he is a forty-something. Normally, they would never meet and become involved. However, Freier, brings them together in quite a plausible way – she wants career guidance so she can plan her future and he has it. Freier sets up the meeting and lets the action roll out from there. Sam wonders if Kelly would “play” with him in his special “fantasy suite” and he asks. A curious Kelly says yes. And, they are off on their exploration of fetishism and sexual play.

It takes a talented author to set a scene like this. Freier's approach is light-handed as she lets the story tell itself. She guides it expertly along the route she wants it to travel, using the world of BDSM and fantasy as the backdrop. It would have been easy to let the world of sexual play become the centerpiece of both novels, but it is not. Instead, it is the canvas upon which she paints her word picture.

Where the first volume explores Kelly's growth as a person, this volume explores Sam and Kelly's growth individually and as a couple. In writing about this growth, Freier is inviting us to become flies on the wall, watching Kelly and Sam play.

As the volume progresses, Kelly becomes Sam's equal. She is his match and sexual mate, and may even be his superior. Sam is no longer the sole narrator of the story; Kelly becomes a co-narrator in a point-counterpoint narrative that enhances your understanding of the couple, their feelings and their world. You can easily empathize with them.

Simone Freier's “Weekend Experience: Exploration of Fetishes by an Unlikely Couple, and the Blossoming of Love (Experiences Book 3)” is a memorable novel. In “Experiences: Weekend,” the couple takes their relationship to the next level, and, perhaps, to the level above that with the inclusion of Kelly's girlfriends, Linda, Julie and Kathy. That Kelly and Sam would include them in their world of eroticism and intimacy illustrates how far Kelly and Sam have come and how much they have changed. Now, Kelly and Sam would even consider playing with two women they had just met at the “skinnydipping” swimming hole.

Unlike other authors whose work fades a bit with a second or third novel, Freier was strong out of the box and continues to write at the same or a higher level in “Experiences: Weekend.” It is quite a tale and a very good read that explores a very intimate topic. It is the kind of topic where one wants to look away to give the characters their privacy, but you can't as you always keep looking back wondering what is next. I have a feeling that with the way Freier handles Kelly, Sam and friends that the “next” installment will be very interesting and I can hardly wait to read it.

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