Simone Freier FaceBook Page - 5000 Followers!
My Facebook Page: facebook.com/SimoneFreierAUTHOR now has more than 5000 Followers! Thank you - all my Friends and Followers!...
Simone Freier Battles Facebook Over Nudity - And Wins a Small Victory!
Over the past 3 months, I have battled FACEBOOK over the right to advertise my books, and show the covers - which feature a clothed...

Simone Freier Facebook Page - 4000 Likes!
My Facebook Page: facebook.com/SimoneFreierAUTHOR now has more than 4000 Likes! Thank you - all my Friends, Followers, and Likers!...
Authors and Social Networking: Part 4 (Facebook Disaster!)
In Parts 2 and 3 of this blog series, I described some of the ways in which authors can use Facebook to promote their books, including...
Authors and Social Networking: Part 3 (Facebook Groups)
In Part 1 of this blog series, I described how I learned about using Twitter - my first 'social networking' experience. In Part 2, I...
Authors and Social Networking: Part 2 (Facebook Identity)
In Part 1 of this blog series, I discussed the use of Twitter for promoting books and establishing a social network presence. In this...
Authors and Social Networking: Part 1 (Twitter)
It's difficult enough for an author to come up with ideas for a plot, to outline a new book, and then to write it, edit it, design a...
COMING: New Facebook Fan Page!
The Simone Freier Facebook profile is being moved to a new Facebook Fan Page! Stay tuned! We'll tweet updates, and post them to this...